Non A/C Rooms

At the Non-A/C Room of the hotel, the guests are provided with every amenities essential for a pleasant and comfortable stay. Deluxe Non A/C rooms falling in to Double, Triple, and Four Bedded categories are very much spacious and well furnished with the necessary amenities. These rooms are equipped with all the basic amenities like fan, LED TV and more. It’s a perfect place to spend your visit to the temple town. If you are on a budget travel, you can ideally make bookings for NON- A/C Double and Triple Rooms. They provide all basic amenities for a peaceful stay that too within your budget. The three cot Triple rooms will be ideal for more guests as well.

Your reservation
Children 2-12 years old
Infant's 0-2 years old
Extra services
Cleaning Fee $7
Some Activity $13 / per person
Parking free